27 Şubat 2013


Source: "Jascha is Me" blog...
Teknoloji, getirdiği yeni ekonomik ilişkilerde çözüm olamayan sanayi devrimi döneminden kalma fikri mülkiyet hukukuna gene kendisi yeni çözümler araştıra dursun, fiili durum, çözüm değil ama yeni sorunlar yaratıp duruyor... Son yıllarda bu bağlamda ortaya çıkan "Patent Tirolleri" gibi... Bu "tiroller", ucuza patent kapatıp, sonra ellerindeki patentleri de ilgilendiren hukuki uyuşmazlıklarda sadece mülkiyet haklarından dolayı "müdahil" olup, dünya kadar parayı cebe indiriyorlar. Kimileri onları düpedüz "Mafia" diye nitelendiriyor...

İşte EFF, bugün (27 Şubat 2013) yayınladığı mesajında,  ABD'de görüşülmekte olan bir kanun tasarısını (The SHIELD Act - H.R. 845, pdfdesteklemeye davet etmiş... EFF'ye göre inovasyonun önünü tıkayan bu "tiroller"le mücadelede ve onlardan korunmada "Shield Act" çok etkili olabilirmiş...

25 Şubat 2013

A Charter Right to Search Google™? (Right to counsel)

Kanada mahkemesi, R v McKay davasında Internet erişimini savunma hakkının temel bir parçası saydı.
İlginç olan bu davada bir Google araştırması yapılması ihtiyacından yola çıkılarak Internet erişimi hakkının, Kanada insan hakları hukukunda lafzen ve fiilen "danışma hakkı" diye yeri olan bu hakkın, "savunma", "adil yargılanma" haklarıyla örtüşmesi ve bundan böyle mahkemelerde savunmanın elinin altında "Google Search" imkanının da hazır bulundurulup bulundurulmayacağı!

A Charter Right to Search Google™? – Slaw

Kararın orijinali: http://canlii.ca/t/fvz84
Bir yorum:
Alberta Court Concludes That Access to Internet Is Fundamental Part of Right to Counsel
Today the Slaw blog highlighted R. v. McKay, a very interesting Canadian case in which a 19-year-old defendant claims he was not given a reasonable opportunity to exercise his right to counsel. The defendant's main argument is that he was not provided with "a full range of resources and access to sources of information which reasonably were or ought have been made available to him" because he was not given access to the Internet.
Following his arrest for operating a motor vehicle while impaired by alcohol, the defendant was asked if he wanted to call a lawyer and he replied, "yes." An officer then showed the accused the "resources" available to contact counsel:
  • 411 for information as to phone numbers; and
  • the White Pages and the Yellow Pages of the telephone book. 
devamı burada!

8 Şubat 2013

Benkler'den Yeni Bir Makale

Open Wireless vs Licensed Spectrum: Evidence from Market Adoption 

Harvard Journal of Law and Technology (Fall 2012) 

The paper reviews evidence from eight wireless markets: mobile broadband; wireless healthcare; smart grid communications; inventory management; access control; mobile payments; fleet management; and secondary markets in spectrum. I find that markets are adopting unlicensed wireless strategies in mission-critical applications, in many cases more so than they are building on licensed strategies. If the 1990s saw what was called "the Negroponte Switch" of video from air to wire, and telephony from wire to air, the present and near future are seeing an even more fundamental switch. Where a decade ago most of our wireless capacity was delivered over exclusive control approaches-both command and control and auctioned exclusivity--complemented by special-purpose shared spectrum use, today we are moving to a wireless infrastructure whose core relies on shared, open wireless approaches, complemented by exclusive control approaches for special, latency-intolerant, high-speed mobile applications. The scope of the latter will contract further if regulation catches up to technological reality, and opens up more bands to open wireless innovation, with greater operational flexibility and an emphasis on interoperability.

Update 2013-02-07: a reader points out that unlicensed spectrum only partially overlaps with the amateur sections of the spectrum chart we linked to. Currently we are not aware of a good chart of which portions of the spectrum are actually available for WiFi or similar unlicensed uses under Title 47 CFR Part 15.