Şemalarla Çevre Yönetimi Genel Müdürlüğü Mevzuatı:
Avniye Tansug, Av. LLM, (Strathclyde)
Bu blog bilgi ve iletisim teknolojileri hukuku ile ilgili haberler, gelişmeler, aynı baslik altında Açık Radyo'da 2002 - 2015 yılları arasında yaptığım program kayıtlarını bir araya getirmek icin...
21 Eylül 2015
LEXOLOGY'den: "Net neutrality: EU rules agreed; US rules challenged"
The EU has agreed new rules requiring ISPs to ensure net neutrality. The rules take effect on 30 April 2016 and will allow national regulators to impose major financial and other penalties. ISPs will have to comply with the rules, and anyone involved in M&A deals in the comms sector should add this new legal risk to their due diligence.
The new EU rules are almost identical to US rules introduced earlier this year. But they don’t go as far as Dutch law, which has some of the strictest net neutrality rules in the world:
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Devamı: (burada)
AB Hukuku,
Ağ tarafsızlığı,
Avrupa Birligi,
Net Neutrality
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